/* LINE: dlg;line_no;sentence1;sentence2| ;{cond} (This statement is optional)
/* LACT: dlg;line_no;{cond|comm} (This statement is optional)
/* 6 is Guy at the wall
LINE: 6;1;Hi, my name is Erica!; ;
LACT: 6;1;RESP R,6,Well, they call me guy at the wall.;RESP R,6,Don't ask me why!;DSET 6,N1;EXIT
LINE: 6;2;My mission is to destroy the universe.; ;IFOF 8,1=1
LACT: 6;2;RESP R,6,Difficult job to do.;DSET 6,-1,N2,+3;EXIT
LINE: 6;3;Do you know how I could destroy the universe?; ;IFOF 8,1=1
LACT: 6;3;RESP R,6,Don't know! I guess you have to find a way to leave this boring planet.;DSET 6,-1,N3,+5;EXIT
LINE: 6;4;What do you know about the star nilende?; ;IFOF 9,2=1
LACT: 6;4;RESP R,6,Nothing!;DSET 6,-1,N4;EXIT
LINE: 6;5;Do you know a way to leave this planet?; ;
LACT: 6;5;RESP R,6,I've heard about that door which leads to another planet.
LACT: 6;5;RESP R,6,But I never found it.;DSET 6,N5,+6;EXIT
LINE: 6;6;Tell me more about that door which leads to\another planet.;What have you said about this door which leads\to another planet again?;
LACT: 6;6;RESP R,6,I only know that this door should be in a very unusual place.
LACT: 6;6;RESP R,6,That's all I know!;DSET 6;EXIT
LINE: 6;7;Why can you sit on the wall?; ;
LACT: 6;7;RESP R,6,I've got one of this funny gravity converters.
LACT: 6;7;RESP R,6,It turns the gravity exactly 90 degrees.
LACT: 6;7;DSET 6,-1,N7,+8;EXIT
LINE: 6;8;Where can I get a gravity converter?;Where did you say I can get gravity converters?;IFNOTCARR 11
LACT: 6;8;RESP R,6,Ask Professor Crckbrn. You'll find him in his lab behind the castle.
LACT: 6;8;SETOF 15,1=1;DSET 6;EXIT
LINE: 6;9;Thank you and good bye!;Good bye for now!;
/* 7 is Barkeeper
LINE: 7;1;Hello, my name is Erica!;Hello!;
LACT: 7;1;RESP R,7,Hi Erica! Nice to see you!;DSET 7,-1;EXIT
LINE: 7;2;I'm going to destroy the universe.; ;IFOF 8,1=1
LACT: 7;2;RESP R,7,Destroying the universe!? Why should someone do this?;DSET 7,-1,S1,+4,+5,+6;EXIT
LINE: 7;3;Have you ever heard about the star nilende?; ;IFOF 9,2=1
LACT: 7;3;RESP R,7,No, I'm sorry. I've never heard about such a thing.;DSET 7,-1,N3;EXIT
LINE: 7;4;King Cranium asked me to do it.; ;
LACT: 7;4;RESP R,7,Ah, well than it should be allright.
LINE: 7;5;Just for fun.; ;
LACT: 7;5;RESP R,7,Yes, destroying the universe is surely lots of fun.
LINE: 7;6;To keep up the cosmic balance.; ;
LACT: 7;6;RESP R,7,Yes, that sounds like a good reason to me.
LINE: 7;7;Could I have a drink please?; ;
LACT: 7;7;RESP R,7,I'm sorry, but we don't sell drinks any longer.;DSET 7,-1,N7,+8;EXIT
LINE: 7;8;Why don't you sell drinks? Isn't this a bar?;Why again did you say you sell no drinks?;
LACT: 7;8;RESP R,7,Look at this man sitting on the table with the lady.
LACT: 7;8;CIMG //SIMG13;SAY Yes!?;RESP R,7,Some time ago he was our best customer.
LACT: 7;8;CIMG //SIMG11;W 12;CIMG SIMG31;RESP R,7,But lately he has got this magic, never-empty cup.;RESP R,7,Now selling drinks is not profitable any more.
LACT: 7;8;DSET 7,-1;EXIT
LINE: 7;9;See you later!; ;
LACT: 7;9;RESP R,7,See you!;EDLG;EXIT
/* ACTION: verb_no;{cond|comm} (This statement is optional)